Hypnotherapy & EMDR in Shrewsbury & online

from the comfort of your own home

sessions can change your life for the better

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from the comfort of your own home
Hello, I'm Alexandra
I offer online recovery packages combining clinical hypnotherapy, meditation, therapeutic writing, and EMDR to support your recovery from a range of issues.
Recovery packages
Inner-child healing
Pain management
Post-abuse support
Sleep management
Anger management
Anxiety management
Low-mood management
Self-acceptance support
Hypno-EMDR for trauma
Hypnotherapy4teens sessions
Hypnotherapry4children sessions
I also support people working the ACA 12 steps, including a free meditation group and sponsorship.
I offer down-to-earth, confidential support for various issues that are tailor-made for you. My approach is underpinned by post-Jungian concepts, and I am trained in parts hypnotherapy and EMDR for alleviating trauma. I am also trained in working with children and teens accredited by Hypnotherapy4children and in Single Session Therapy with Professor Windy Dryden. I have 20+ years of experience as a support worker with various organisations, including Victim Support, Cancer Aid, Home Start, The Together Trust, Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service, and Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide. It has been a privilege to support people from all walks of life and I’m looking forward to empowering you to make change a reality too.
Remember, change is possible and closer than you think.